
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Kitchen Shears ... They Do More than Cut Up a Whole Chicken

Did you know your kitchen shears have a double life? They do! They can be used in place of your knife in many instances.  How many times have you just cleaned and put away the star of your kitchen, "the knife" and it's trusty companion the cutting board, only to realize you forgot to cut the green onions that put the finishing touch on your dish. Kitchen Shears to the rescue! Here's a list of the many uses of your kitchen shears.

  1. Cut green onions into discs or on the diagonal
  2. Snip parsley or any herb over food
  3. Slice a bell pepper or any type of pepper
  4. Slice garlic
  5. Cut up lettuces
  6. Snip strips of meat for stir fry
  7. Snip chucks of chicken to make nuggets
  8. Cut bread slices in half
  9. Cut the crust off of bread slices
  10. Cut celery
  11. Snip chives
  12. Cut pizza
  13. Shred cabbage - roll up several leaves to look like a cigar and snip away
  14. Removing a lobster from it's shell
  15. Trim the ends off of beans, like green beans
  16. Cut up bacon into smaller pieces - fresh or cooked
  17. Cut lasagna noodles to fit the dish
  18. Cut up sausages
  19. Cut up dried fruit
  20. "Chop" canned whole tomatoes while they are in the can
And of course  ... cutting  up a whole chicken into individual pieces

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