
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sweet Potatoes Roasted in Brown Sugar-Maple & Coconut Oil

I've been experimenting with coconut oil lately, and mostly I've had some really nice results. Roasting and baking are especially conducive to using coconut oil...

Like this recipe for Sweet Potatoes Roasted in Brown Sugar-Maple  & Coconut Oil. A really big hit at home with the Hub and with guests at a recent BBQ.

The roasting deepens the flavor of the coconut oil and the brown sugar and maple add a rich yet mellow warmth to the potatoes. There is a little heat by way of a dusting of cayenne pepper, but it's optional. If you don't care for heat, leave it out. I like it because it balances out the sweetness and gives that unexpected little bite at the end.

It's great served along side of  grilled chicken, steak or pork. And it's amazing when added to a big salad.


Serves 2 - 4

  • 3 tablespoons coconut oil melted, if in solid state
  • 2 tablespoon raw turbinado brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 5-6 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inc disks

  1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees
  2. If the coconut oil is in a solid state, melt in a small sauce pan, let cool slightly
  3. Mix in the next 3 ingredients into oil. 
  4. Place sweet potato disks in a large bowl. 
  5. Pour oil mixture over sweet potatoes. 
  6. Stir to coat each disk well.
  7. Line a lipped sheet pan with non-stick foil.
  8. Slide potatoes onto sheet - making potatoes are in a single layer
  9. Dust lightly with cayenne pepper, if you are using it
  10. Roast for 30 minutes, turn over, roast an additional 20-30 minutes.
  11. Remove from sheet and serve.


  1. I have not used coconut oil before, maybe it is time to give it a try. These sound yummy.

    1. I recently started incorporating coconut oil into some recipes and I am really enjoy the results and flavor. These sweet potatoes are very addicting, once you starting eating them, you want to kick yourself for not making more!
