
Friday, July 24, 2015

Wednesdays with Eryka

One of My Favorite Then and Now Pictures with Eryka

Some of you great folks out there have written asking where is Wednesdays with Eryka. First thank you for letting us know how much you miss her Wednesday posts. We are genuinely touched!

Eryka is going back to school for her RN degree and that is going to require a lot of her time. With a full time job as an LPN and clinical work,(for her RN) twice a week till late at night, it's going to be rough.  And school is always a priority.

We hope you understand and who knows maybe she'll stop by and surprise us with one of her quick and easy recipes. Thank you Eryka (my sugarplum) for encouraging and supporting me and the blog. Wishing my daughter the best of everything as she embarks on a new path to further her career.  Dad and I are so very proud of you.


  1. Wonderful picture Jackie! You guys are adorable. The career she has chosen is very demanding, and of course it will require a lot of time and effort, especially in those first years. We have a word for this type of professions here, we call them Λειτούργημα (Litourgima). Litourgima means offering things to the society/community, so it's viewed more as a "doing good to others" type of profession and it's more respected by the society.
    Our best wishes for success and happiness to sweet Eryka (and of course her mother)!
    Panos and Mirella

    1. Panos & Mirella I am so touched by your comment. We are very proud of Eryka and her commitment to helping others. It is a hard job but spiritually rewarding as she get a better outlook on life by not letting small things get in the way of happiness. She learns this everyday from the very brave patients she sees everyday. Thank you very much as always being the wonderful individuals that you are!

    2. Thank you very much Panos and Mirella for your kind words! You have always supported my recipes and our blog and we are very grateful for it. Like mom said, I might pop in here and there, maybe on holiday break. Thank you again for your kind words, support and recipes!

